About us
The Friends of Horticultural Therapy (FOHT) was formed in 2009 to provide additional support for the Prince William County Community Services Horticultural Therapy (HT) Program. The HT program serves adults with mental illness and/or intellectual disabilities in Prince William County and the cities of Manassas and Manassas Park by providing opportunities through horticultural therapy to improve the quality of their lives and increase their independence in the community. Since it first began in 2000, the HT Program has operated on a very limited budget and without a permanent County owned or leased meeting site.
FOHT was incorporated as a non-profit, non-stock corporation in the Commonwealth of Virginia in May 2011 and is a recognized public charity under section 501 (c) (3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code. FOHT has in effect a Memorandum of Understanding with the Prince William County Community Services Board to clarify the responsibilities of each group.
FOHT currently consists of a Board of Directors, without any additional membership. It does not provide direct services or have any input into the running and management of the Community Services HT Program. Some of the FOHT Board members volunteer with the program and all Board members participate in fund raising efforts to help support the program.